A campaign inspired by the awakening of women. A revelation comes to her after all past suffering has been transformed into new knowledge.
This journey shapes her, nourishes her, inspires her, and empowers her. Traversing all stages of the feminine cycle—strength, struggle, anger, joy, anguish, despair, and faith.

It seems like I just landed
in every inch of myself.
Flowers blossom in my foot steps,
I turn to see a garden flourishing in my trail
And realize it forms within me,
And has done all along.
With each step forward the roots dig deeper,
each time more aware,
more deliberate,
with more purpose.
Remembering myself as a gift.
I feel the sand dance through my toes, caressing my skin,
filled with the energy of my sisters.
The same sand that lies beneath the turquoise ocean.
The same ocean that reflects the sky.
That carries a bird as it flees from its cage
With a racing heart that reminds us
That we all deserve to be free.
SS 2018 "A day with Montana"
Producida por Rosa Mateyko, Naty Corbetta.
Diseños de Paula Burgoa
Modelo Montana Angel Lower (Australia)
Una serie de fotografías inspiradas en el despertar de la mujer. Una revelación acude a ella luego de que todo sufrimiento pasado a sido adquirido como un nuevo conocimiento.
Todo eso la conforma, la nutre, la inspira, la empodera.